KGV Challenge Week 2014 at Scandi Divers and Campbells Beach Resort

KGV school challenge puerto galera

Big thanks and congratulations to KGV (King George V School Hong Kong)!

On October 11th twenty students accompanied by teachers Janett Makett, Susan Leatham and Diving Instructor/Supervisor Aaron Gillespie visited Scandi Divers and Campbell’s Beach Resort to enroll in the PADI Open Water and Advanced Open Water diving courses, as well as participate in some local community projects.

The Open Water and Advanced Open Water courses were conducted by local Dive Instructors Rosemarie Nielsen, Rey Magsino, Conan Fagan and Aaron Gillespie, assisted by Divemasters Robert Marquez and Rommel Paner.

scuba diving in puerto galera

The Puerto Galera community projects the school participated in included an arduous two hour hike to the Stairway Foundation School in Baclayan in order to meet the kids at the school and deliver a welcome donation of three hundred books for the underprivileged school children.

stairway foundation school puerto galera philippines

The hike also provided some of the most magnificent views of the Puerto Galera peninsula and Verde Island.

The KGV students also took part in a beach clean-up of Big La Laguna, both on land and underwater, as well as working in conjunction with Scandi Divers Resort, provided and new garbage cans along the beach for use by locals and tourists, to help keep the beach as pristine as possible.

big la laguna beach puerto galera

Having already gotten two great community projects under their belts, the newly dive-certified KGV students helped fund and install an artificial reef on the sandy bottom in Big La Laguna to promote more coral growth and provide feeding grounds and habitats for fish and other sea creatures. We’ll keep you updated on how this reef progresses over time!

puerto galera artificial reef

Finally, the trip was celebrated at the Scandi Divers Resort Sky Bar, with a firedancer, and the Scandi staff performing a traditional dance, much to the delight of everyone.

traditional philippines dance

Well done to everybody involved in this great trip and the community projects! We hope to see you back again next year for more good times!

Click to view all the great photos!