Scuba Diving for kids

Keep the kids entertained on holiday & let them experience another world!

Scuba diving’s not just for grown-ups! Your kids can gain confidence in themselves whilst they learn about the amazing underwater environment.

The Bubblemaker:  Under direct supervision from a PADI professional they’ll learn how to use equipment, how to equalise and how to clear a regulator scuba diving for kidsand mask. Then the real FUN begins as the kids swim around & play underwater games. (Typically a 1 hour pool session. Min age 8 yrs. Max depth 2 meters).

Follow-up ocean dive: After the pool session lets go ‘say hello to Nemo’ & experience the wonders of the underwater world. Again with an instructor’s direct supervision and to a depth no deeper than 2 meters your children can enjoy the freedom of the ocean.


PADI Seal Team: Become a member of PADI’s elite & join the Seal Team.

This structured program is in 2 parts. Part 1 is pool based & teaches kids the basics of diving. In AquaMissions 1-5 they will hone their skills (regulator recovery & clearing, mask clearing, buoyancy etc). After that students can become Master Seam Team members by moving on to part 2 and completing 10 additional specialty AquaMissions. These specialties are an introduction to other areas of diving. From Creature ID to Search & Recovery to Snapshot Specialist. (Normally a 2 hour pool session for AquaMissions 1-5 + 1 hour for each specialty. Min age 8 yrs. Max depth 4 meters).

Junior Open Water Diver: For young people aged 10 – 14 yrs the Junior Open water course is exactly the same as the standard Open Water course. The only differences are certain age/depth limitations:

  • Junior Open Water Divers ages 10-11 years old must dive with a PADI Professional or certified parent/guardian. Dives must not exceed 12 metres /40 feet.
  • Junior Open Water Divers ages 12-14 years old must dive with a certified adult. (13+ years old can take the Open Water Diver course online).

The PADI Open Water course concentrates on the fundamental aspects of diving, such as diving equipment and diving technique. There are 3 components to the course: Independent study & review, confined water skills training & 4 open water dives.


padi elearningMake the most out of your holiday time & get the study done before you get on the plane! Click on the picture to see what courses are available online.

For further info on all our courses and prices click               

How To Become A Certified Scuba Diver

PADI Open WaterAt 18 meters beneath the surface, we swam towards the ancient shipwreck. The hull, covered with a myriad of sea creatures, looked like something out of a movie. We floated with the current to the opposite end and spotted two black frog fish hanging out. They were remarkably still; they didn’t try and swim away, and they even stayed still for a few photos!

I was doing my PADI Open Water course and we were visiting Sabang Wrecks, one of the nearby Puerto Galera dive sites.

My first foray into diving began with the Discover Scuba Diving, or DSD for short. I wrote about my experience a month ago here. I was amazed by scuba diving, and all I could think was “why hadn’t I started sooner?”.

So it was with a great deal of excitement that I signed up to continue the adventure. Terry and the team at Scandi Divers were fantastic for the Discover Scuba Diving course, so I signed up straightaway with them.

The PADI Open Water course is made up of a few different components. Each component has a video and a chapter in the textbook, explaining various things relating to diving. You learn about essential safety skills, plus how to preserve the amazing beauty that lies beneath the water.

At the end of each chapter, you jump in the pool with your gear and practice skills. You’ll learn interesting stuff too! Ever wondered what to do if your mask fills with water when you’re under 20 meters of water? You can’t go to the surface… so what do you do? Or how about if your air runs out? What if you want to go to the surface – can you go straight up or do you need to go slowly? How does the pressure of water affect the air you breathe? How long can you stay underwater for, and can you go diving twice with little or no time in between dives?

These are things I learned on the PADI Open Water Course with Scandi. For some components, I studied with Terry. For others, I worked with Jenny, one of the other friendly dive instructors.

In between dives, I relaxed in the restaurant and enjoyed plenty of cups of their fantastic Starbucks coffee.

We visited a number of the best scuba diving sites in Puerto Galera, including Sabang Wrecks, Hole in the Wall and Monkey Beach. I had an absolute blast… I think I’ve caught the diving “bug”… I’m up to 10 dives now and I feel like the adventure is just beginning…

So if you’re looking for a fantastic place to go diving, check out Puerto Galera. Scandi Divers, one of the Puerto Galera resorts on Big La Laguna Beach can set you up with everything you need. You’ll have a fantastic time. Diving is, hands-down, one of the best Puerto Galera activities.

THE Birthday Party!

With Terry (GM), Arman (dive equip. co-ordinator), Nalyn (cook) & Rizza (waitress at LLBC) all having their birthdays within days of each other we decided to have one big party. Held up at the Sky Bar the birthdayers were joined by friends & guests to celebrate. Terry suppiled the beers & the kitchen team prepared a delicious BBQ buffet.