PADI Women’s Dive Day 2018

padi womens dive day 2018

20 July at 06:00–16:00

Be part of the biggest day in diving and celebrate Women’s Dive Day 2018!

Save the date and join us! Contact us if you’re coming!

Tel / Text : +63-917-558-7547 / +63-939-917-2069 / +63-917-802-7563

What’s included?

Certified Divers

  • FREE Zumba
  • Beach Clean up
  • Breakfast in SkyView
  • 1 FREE dive with full equipment included
  • Buffet lunch and photo contest!

Not certified? WE have this for you!

  • FREE Zumba
  • Beach Clean UP
  • Breakfast in SkyView
  • 1 FREE dive with full equipment included
  • Buffet lunch and photo contest!

PLUS a surprise FREEBIE from PADI! 

Be there. Girl power is on!

Contact Us

Video: The Tiny Terror – the blue ringed octopus

blue ringed octopus scandi divers resort puerto galera

Let’s take a closer look at one of our most sought-after critters in Puerto Galera! The blue ringed octopus or more commonly known as ‘the blue ring’ is one of our biggest crowd-pleasers. The scientific name for the octopus is Hapalochlaena maculosa. They grow to around 20 cm in size and weigh a massive 25 grams.

What is really unique is the blue ring is the only venous creature in the world that doesn’t make its own venom. The octopus finds bacteria in the water and stores it within its saliva. If you are a crab that’s in its path while hunting at night then you better look out. The blue ring uses its razor-sharp beak to break into the shell of a crab, it will then basically spit the bacteria contaminated saliva inside the crab and it will become paralyzed making it much easier to eat.  Crabs reading this blog will be quaking in their boots.

The blue ring also has three hearts which pump blue blood around its body. Each octopus has around sixty blue rings on its body. You might have noticed that if the octopus is relaxed then the blue rings are not visible. Only once the octopus is feeling threatened it will flash its vibrant blue rings telling you to back off. There has only been a handful of human deaths from the octopus bite in the entire history of the planet but it can still happen. So, its better to keep your hands to yourself underwater.

This wonder of nature can be found on many dive sites around Puerto Galera. Some hot spots to look for them include giant clams, Fantasea reef and Small la Laguna. They are most active at night time when they are feeding so we recommend doing some night dives with us at Scandi Divers to increase your chances of some blue ring interaction.

Hope you enjoy the video below:

Marine life spotlight – The Flamboyant cuttlefish

Flamboyant cuttlefish scandi divers resort puerto galera

In the latest Scandi Divers blog we’ll have a closer look at one of the most sought after critters in Puerto Galera. The flamboyant cuttlefish with its pulsating colors and mesmerizing movements really grabs your attention. They are basically standing their ground flashing colors at us, telling us that they are the boss and will move for no man. The beauty of this brave behavior is we get a chance to observe it’s behavior. You have excellent opportunities to get great images and video footage as it will stay in the same area. It is probably one of the most photogenic species on the Puerto Galera dive sites.

There are some facts about the flamboyant cuttlefish that are really interesting. Despite growing to around 8cm in size they actually have toxins that are on the same level as its relative the blue ringed octopus. In case you are not sure about the level then think ten thousand times more powerful than cyanide. Luckily for us they and the blue ringed octopus don’t have much interest in eating us so they keep the toxins for the small fish and crustaceans that they feed on.

The flamboyant cuttlefish is very special, it’s one of the few species of cuttlefish that actually walk on the seafloor. They have a rather tragic short life span of just a year. After mating face to face the female will find something like an old coconut shell and lay her eggs one by one, attaching them to the shell with a special glue like substance. Once the eggs hatch the female has completed her life tasks will die shortly afterwards. These cuttlefish can be found on a number of dive sites around PG, the most common places are Giant Clams and Ship Yard.

On your next trip to Scandi Divers our dedicated dive team will try their best to show you one of our favorite critters.

Book your dream diving holiday now

Sharks now protected no matter whose waters they swim in

UN shark protection convention

It’s been a good week for beleaguered sharks. A cross-border conservation pact signed by 126 countries this week promises for the first time to extend extra protection to sharks and several other migratory species, whichever countries they stray into.

Among the biggest winners at the global Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals(CMS) were whale sharks: the world’s largest fish. They are a vulnerable species and their population has been falling. Governments added whale sharks to appendix I of the convention, promising to protect them domestically from killing or capture, and to safeguard their habitats.

Conservationists welcomed the move because it means whale sharks will finally be protected at offshore “hotspots” to which they migrate, including Madagascar, Mozambique, Peru and Tanzania.

Several other sharks made it on to appendix II, which obliges countries within a species’ migratory range to collaborate on measures to protect them, for example by regulating fishing or banning finning.

International cooperation

Conservationists particularly welcomed the new status for blue sharks. “They’re the most highly fished sharks in the world, with 20 million caught around the world each year, but they’re also the most migratory, so they’re vulnerable to fisheries everywhere,” says Matt Collis of the International Fund for Animal Welfare. “This puts pressure on countries to commit to international protection.”

Other sharks sharing in the same new protections included dusky sharks, angelsharks, white-spotted wedgefish and the bizarrely named common guitarfish.

As an additional bonus, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Benin and Brazil joined the shark memorandum of understanding, an ad hoc agreement already signed by 41 countries to coordinate protection for sharks. Collis says the addition of Brazil is particularly significant, as it has a large part to play in protection of many species of shark.

Grand Opening of the Sky View Bar & Restaurant

sky view bar and restaurant puerto galera

The Grand Opening is by invite only for friends, family and VIPs, and will be featuring a live band, fireworks display and free buffet. It promises to be a great night’s entertainment for all, and we look forward to ‘wetting the roof’ before opening the Sky View Bar & Restaurant to the public.

The Sky View Bar & Restaurant will be offering a delightful selection of international cuisine and drinks and cocktails, all to be enjoyed whilst taking in the breathtaking beauty of Big La Laguna Bay.

Our Sky View Restaurant is now open!

skybar restaurant at scandi divers resort puerto galera

We are proud to announce the opening of the Sky View restaurant at Scandi Divers Resort. Enjoy delicious international dishes while soaking in the incredible view of Big La Laguna Bay. It’s also the perfect spot for sundowner cocktails!

We hope to see you there soon.