Category Archives: Diving Clubs

Thanks and Farewell to the La Grange College Students!

la grange college scandi divers resort puerto galera

Well done to the La Grange College group all the way from Georgia, USA. Another successful scuba adventure with Scandi Divers Resort. A special thanks to David Ahearn .

Everyone at Scandi wish you all the best and hope to see y’all next time!

la grange college scuba group puerto galera

la grange college students puerto galera philippines

Thanks to the VV Diving Club!

diving in puerto galera
VV Diving club in Puerto Galera
A big thanks to the VV Dive Group! Lot’s of great diving and kept us all very busy 🙂

They finished off the trip with a farewell dinner at the Scandi Sky Bar, with a beautifully cooked pork lechon as the guest of honor!

Come back soon guys 🙂

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