Category Archives: Snorkeling

Bubble Makers and Trouble Makers!

diving puerto galera scandi divers

Thanks to the Navarro family who were here on a diving holiday from China! The kids were super-enthusiastic and great fun to have around. Jorge did his Bubblemaker course, Jacobo did the Junior Scuba Diver course, Dad Angel did the Scuba Diver course, and poor little Pablo who is too young to dive assumed his role as the official Trouble maker!

Great fun, we hope to see you guys again!

Big La Laguna Bay – Sea Krait Video

Dive instructor and resort manager Terry O’Dowd was out snorkeling on the house reef again and found this beautiful Banded Sea Krait just a meters away from the resort.

We are truly very fortunate to have such amazing creatures so close to us!

Terry was using the headstrap mounted GoPro video camera, which is incredibly easy to use and is available to rent for Scandi Divers guests to shoot their own videos of their underwater experiences here in Puerto Galera.