Discover Scuba Diving in Puerto Galera!

Discover scuba diving in Puerto Galera

Congratulations to Maria Teresa on completing her Discover Scuba Diving course, pictured here with her instructor Rey.

The PADI Discover Scuba Diving course is a great way to find out if you are comfortable using scuba equipment underwater, without having to invest lots of time or money. The DSD can be completed in only a few hours, and you will have done your very first scuba dive!

Your instructor will spend a couple of hours to familiarise you with the scuba equipment, and basic underwater safety skills, before doing a short session in the swimming pool to put that knowledge into practice. After that you and your instructor will do a shore dive, from the beach in front our resort, where you will experience the wonders of Puerto Galera’s underwater world for the very first time. (under close supervision of course)

Should you wish to take your diver training further, the DSD also counts towards the PADI Open Water Course.