Congratulations to Ollie Haapanen – Rescue Diver!

diving puerto galera ollie haapanen rescue scandi divers resort

Congatulations to Ollie Haapanen from Finland on completing his Rescue Diver Course with Dive Instructor Conan Fagan and Divemaster Dennis Frandsen. Ollie passed his course with flying colours, and his girlfriend Satu was kind enough to volunteer to play the victim 🙂

diving puerto galera ollie haapanen rescuediving puerto galera ollie haapanen rescue

Scandi Divers Resort offers PADI scuba diving courses for all levels of divers, from beginners to professionals with many courses and specialities to choose from. We also have a wide variety of rooms to suit every budget, and are situated on one of the most beautiful beaches in the area, Big La Laguna Bay, Puerto Galera.