Tag Archives: philippines dentist

Dentist Philippines – Looking For Cheap Dental Care In South East Asia?

One of the best places in the world for quality dental care at affordable and reasonable prices is with a dentist Philippines. The prices may seem cheap but the quality of the dentistry is superb.

A Puerto Galera dental trip combined with beach resort with diving, snorkeling or just relaxing is a perfect combination of taking care of your dental needs and having fun.

People seem to talk and think of medical tourism but probably more people have dental needs that they cannot afford than medical. Also, hospitalization is not needed so you spend 95 per cent or more of your time enjoying your time having fun.

  • A Dental Cleaning is about 10 USD
  • A Dental Crown is 120-150 usd

Paul Hupp from Everett Washington from the United States said:

“I was told it would cost 18,000 USD for a very large dental prosthesis or bridge but I came to Puerto Galera and stayed at Scandi Divers in Philippines for 3 weeks and paid only 1,700 usd instead. I was able to take a scuba Diving course and enjoy my time while spending only 5,000 USD including Air Fare and all expenses and dental fees for the three weeks. The results were incredible, I am so happy I came too. Puerto Galera and Scandi Divers Beach and Dive Resort on Big La Laguna Beach. My mother was so pleased with my new smile. One friend already booked his trip to Puerto Galera for dental treatment he did not think he could afford.”

“Scandi Divers on Big La Laguna Beach in Puerto Galera was a great place to stay and the staff ended up being my friends, I liked them so well.”

One of the owners of the scandi divers resort is a physician, you make contact him directly about your dentist Philippines questions – David (at) DrDavidA.com