Tag Archives: Sidemount Diving

Technical and Sidemount Diving at Scandi Divers

technical diving puerto galera
Tech Diving Instructors Steve Wright and Terry O’Dowd – Ready for a tech dive

Scandi Divers Resort is very pleased to announce that we have are now offering Sidemount diving and Technical diving, as courses and recreational dives.

What is Sidemount Diving?

Sidemount diving offers a completely new way to configure your diving equipment and has taken the diving community by storm over the last few years. Sidemount diving offers great streamlining capability and helps divers to improve their propulsion and trim. This has an immediate effect on your air consumption, and makes you a more efficient diver. Sidemount diving is also ideal for divers with back problems!

Sidemount diving in Puerto Galera
Terry helping instructor Fred, after a sidemount traning dive.

Technical Diving with Scandi: IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix courses.

For divers wishing to explore the depths beyond the limits of recreational diving, Trimix is the clear choice. A breathing mixture of oxygen, helium and nitrogen, Trimix allows you to manage the risks of elevated oxygen concentrations and nitrogen narcosis, giving you a clear head when it really matters… You’ll discover the benefits of Trimix diving and learn to assess and manage the hazards associated with extended range diving. You’ll develop your dive skills to safely and competently plan and conduct dives utilising Helium-based breathing gases.

This course is deisgned to introduce divers to safe decompression diving using helium, and up to 100% O2 for deco gas.

Twin tank diving in Puerto Galera
Twin tank diving offers extra redundancy and safety as well as extended range.

Contact us to find out about doing technical or sidemount diving and courses with Scandi Divers Resort!