Diving for Debris
Here at Scandi we’re committed to our Going Greener program.
This month, in line with Project Aware’s ‘Diving for Debris’ Scandi Divers completed a beach clean-up on the 10th and followed it with an underwater clean-up the following day.
Easter weekend had just passed with Big La Laguna beach playing host to lots of visitors. All the resorts were full, with families and friends playing in the beautiful warm clear ocean and enjoying barbecues on the beach. Of course this increase in people traffic meant that the level of litter unfortunately went up too.
All the diving staff helped in the beach clean-up. We worked our way from one end of the beach to the other, picking up lots of nasties from cigarette butts to nappies, chip packets to broken glass bottles. Our maintenance and boat crews joined in raking the beach to make it nice and smooth.
On the 11th we conducted the underwater clean-up, this time the clean-up team consisted of staff and guests. We had four teams who all took a section of the bay. Each team had a mesh bag and between us we managed to retrieve cans, plastic and glass bottles, snack packets, nylon line & even a drainpipe!
Then on Sunday the 13th Terry and his pals Paul & Eddie went down to Hondura beach in Puerto Galera to assist Green Fins with the clean-up they had arranged there. Good job boys!
Terry’s next project is to make & place rubbish bins along La Laguna beach to help reduce the amount of litter scattered up and down. We’re hoping to collaborate with the other resorts and dive shops to share the responsibility of emptying the bins.