The News from Scandi Divers & Campbell’s Beach Dive Resort新闻 Scandi Divers & Campbell’s Beach Dive Resort

Welcome to The Scandal! Keeping you up to date with all the latest news
at Scandi Divers & Campbell’s Beach Resort.                              Issue 7

Scandi Goes Tech!
Ethei & Andy
As our followers know, over the last year we have all been working very hard to improve both the resorts & the dive shop. As part of this advancement we are extremely proud to have conducted our 1st Technical Dive course.
Our Tech instructor Ethei coached Andy through his PADI Deep Specialty & IART’s Extensive Range program before taking Stephen & Andy (both part of the I Love Diving Club) through the PADI Trimix course.
Tech briefing    Andy, Ethei, Stephen    Stage bottles
Andy now has a new goal of diving to 100m – with a bit more training the oceans the limit!Congratulations Terry!
Terry gets his reward!
Some get china & these days some get platinum to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Terry is pictured above receiving his 20 years of service award from our PADI regional manager Jimmy Christup. Way to go O’Dowd!Terry waves goodbye
And with that accolade Terry skips    merrily down the beach to start his holiday.
Trekking around Nepal indeed!

(Got a dry suit anyone?!)
Zhai & Stephen

Welcome back to..
Zhai, previously a Divemaster with us returned as a PADI instructor. Well done Z! James from Aus – a long standing Puerto Galera friend got some dives in with Walter. John (one of our webmasters) swung by to do some lasts dives before moving to Thailand. Sam from I Love Diving, Shanghai returned once again bringing with him some students & fun divers.

Terry, Howard & Pat

And last but not least Pat O’Keeffe from Aus returned with his brother to visit Terry & get a DSD.

(Top: Zhai & Stephen & above: Terry with Howard & Pat).

Jen & Da Boyz!

Also diving this month..
As is becoming a regular occurrence instructors & group leaders from the I Love Diving groupShanghai brought many new faces & some returning guests with them last month. In Rake & Zhai’s group; Di Jin, Xiao Tian Yang, Ye Chen, Sha Jun, Jerry, Min Zhang, Yi Zhe Xue & Yu Min Cao. Diving with Felix were: Zhang, DU, Yang, Ying, Xu & Jin. AndJun, John, Wei, Vincent & Jingrui were diving with instructor Sam at the beginning of the month & towards the Sam took Hung Xia, Rui Jue, Jim & Sijie out for a few including the glorious Verde Island.

Scandi boat full of fun divers

From elsewhere in the world we met Thomas from Denmark, from Japan: Yuki, Greg from the US, from Shenzhen, China: Chang, Bainuan, Zhigang, Po On, Yi & Ni Zang. From HK via the UK & Germany Johannes & Alex & Nat & a mate of Jen’s from the UK Haydn came over once again to get some dives done & go to Fred’s for a beautiful steak dinner!
(Top: Nat, Alex, Jen, Soren & Johannes. Above: Terry, Pam, Greg, Precious, Yuki & Jen).

Click the link above for
Scandi & Campbell’s website

Congratulations to..

Jen & Rogelyn
(Jen & Rogelyn)
Discover Scuba Diving:
Yu Tao, Yui Pen & Coco from China got their first under water experience with Jen diving from the beach in Big La Laguna.
Coco followed that up with another dive to
Manila Channel the next day.
Robert took Tao Tao & his friend to La Laguna Point
after their pool session.
Terry introduced fellow Aussie Patrick to the wonders
of scuba diving.
Rogelyn from Angeles City also got wet with Jen & Robert took Yang from China out
for his 1st ever dive.

Jen in the pool with Tom
(Tom & Jen in the pool with Tim looking on)
Open Water Diver:
A friend of Dr Dave’s from the US came for a visit in September wanting to do a refresher.
Jerry had done his Open Water course a long long time ago, so long in fact he couldn’t remember which dive agency he did it with!
After doing the refresher with Jen, Jerry decided to get himself well & truly up to date by taking the PADI Open Water course.
Tom & his brother Tim came all the way from Alaska to see us. Whilst here Tom took his OW with Jen.
Soren from Denmark earned his stripes with Jen & Peter’s Jennilyn passed her course with the help of Rose from our friends & neighbours LLBC.

(David looking happy after earning 2 certs.)
Andy Pang from China took his Deep Specialty with Ethei this month in preparation for his Trimix Course.
David from Aus completed the Advanced Open Water course & the add-on of the Nitrox Specialty with Jen & Terry.Ethei & his twins!
(Ethei & his twins!)
As mentioned in our main story Stephen & Andy are now PADI Trimix divers.Well done to you all, we hope to see you again for more diving adventures!
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