Tag Archives: Diving Videos

PADI Emergency First Responder Course – CPR

Terry O’Dowd’s student Momo shows here just how much hard work it is performing CPR correctly!

Scandi Divers Resort offers the full range of PADI scuba diving courses, from beginners to professionals. Included in the PADI curriculum is the EFR or Emergency First Responder course, which will teach you the things you need to know in case of a diving emergency, and could even help you save someone’s life.

Visit our diving courses page for more information on all the scuba courses available at Scandi Divers Resort

Diving with a Turtle in Big La Laguna Bay – Video

Thanks to Finn for this video of our divers swimming along with a beautiful turtle in Big La Laguna Bay, just outside Scandi Divers Resort. There’s some really nice close-up stuff about 1 minute in.

Turtles are regular visitors to Big La Laguna, and one of our favourites. So graceful in the water, they are an absolute pleasure to watch up close.

Book your dream Philippines tropical diving vacation with us, and you’ll be swimming turtles and other amazing creatures before you know it!

Advanced Recreational Trimix – Tech Diving with Scandi Divers

technical diving puerto galera
Marti Duggan doing Advanced Recreational Trimix with instructor Steve Wright
Congratulations to Marti Duggan, on completing his IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix course with tech diving instructor Steve Wright!

Marti, who is a long-time local identity here, and owner/manager of Marti’s Bar in Sabang, completed the course over a two week period.

The Advanced Rec Trimix course is designed to introduce divers to safe decompression diving using helium, and up to 100% O2 for deco gas.

Course includes theory, one confined water session and 4 dives to a maximum depth of 48 meters.

advanced recreational trimix puerto galera
Final Checks
tech diving puerto galera
This stuff weighs a ton!

Anyone interested in extending their depth and range capabilities, and challenging themselves, please use our inquiry form.

The Scandi Turtles Hatching!

It’s been more than two months now since a mother Green Sea Turtle came and laid a clutch of eggs right on Scandi Divers’ doorstep. If you have been following our blog, you will know the eggs were moved to a protected area further up the beach, away from the dangers of storm waves, animals and people.

We have been patiently waiting and monitoring the turtle eggs, and were recently rewarded when 54 baby turtles emerged from the sand! It has taken a total of 73 days for the eggs to hatch, which is right inside the average time of 45-75 days.

For the past 4 years, our friends at Coco Beach have been running a turtle sanctuary to try and improve the odds of survival for turtles, and increase the population. The sanctuary raises the turtles until adolescence (approx 2-3 yrs) when they will have a shell size of about six to eight inches, before releasing them into their natural environment.

Normally in the wild only about one in one hundred turtles will survive into adulthood.

Our 54 hatchlings have already been transferred to the sanctuary and 3 juvenile turtles were released to make room for our little critters. We hope the 3 teenagers thrive in their natural environment, and hope to see them around in our local waters for years to come!

Dive Sites of Puerto Galera : Sabang Wrecks Video

A short video of the steel hull wreck on the Sabang Wrecks dive site in Puerto Galera

Only a minute away from the shoreline, Sabang wrecks is one of the most popular dive sites in the area, and often first on the list if it’s your first time diving in Puerto Galera. There are 3 wrecks making up the site: 2 wooden hull skeletons, and a steel hull yacht. All three of the wrecks are teeming with an incredible amount of fish and coral, and sit at a max depth of about 21m, making it suitable for newbies as well as experienced divers 🙂

Make sure Sabang Wrecks is on your Diving in Puerto Galera ‘to-do’ list!

Dive Sites in Puerto Galera – Hole in The Wall Video

Our resort manager and dive instructor Terry O’Dowd took this short video of him and his student Momo doing the swim-through at the Hole in The Wall dive site in Puerto Galera.

The Hole in The Wall is truly a world-class dive site, and a favourite amongst divers here. Located at Escarcio Point, divers drop in to 9m of water above beautiful fields of coral, before descending through several drop offs to reach the hole at about 13m.

After doing the swim through (watch your tank valve!) you come out in a wide area where you can often see large fish such as Trevallies, Jacks and Sweetlips playing in the current when the tide is right.

Definitely one to put on your list if you are diving in Puerto Galera!

Frogfish on the Alma Jane Wreck – Video

Thanks to our resort manager/dive instructor Terry O’Dowd for capturing this beautiful Frogfish whilst diving on the Alma Jane wreck here in Puerto Galera.

The Alma Jane is a great wreck for advanced divers. There’s always lots to see both inside and around the wreck, with lots of critters camouflaging themselves on the superstructure too. Expect to see Batfish, Lionfish, Scorpionfish and Frogfish just for starters!

Big La Laguna Bay – Sea Krait Video

Dive instructor and resort manager Terry O’Dowd was out snorkeling on the house reef again and found this beautiful Banded Sea Krait just a meters away from the resort.

We are truly very fortunate to have such amazing creatures so close to us!

Terry was using the headstrap mounted GoPro video camera, which is incredibly easy to use and is available to rent for Scandi Divers guests to shoot their own videos of their underwater experiences here in Puerto Galera.