Tag Archives: Puerto Galera Dive Sites

Tech Divers with a Turtle – Video

You know how much we love our turtles, so here’s another vid of a beautiful turtle happily munching away, with tech divers Marti Duggan and Steve Wright lurking in the background 😉

Dive Sites of Puerto Galera : Sabang Wrecks Video

A short video of the steel hull wreck on the Sabang Wrecks dive site in Puerto Galera

Only a minute away from the shoreline, Sabang wrecks is one of the most popular dive sites in the area, and often first on the list if it’s your first time diving in Puerto Galera. There are 3 wrecks making up the site: 2 wooden hull skeletons, and a steel hull yacht. All three of the wrecks are teeming with an incredible amount of fish and coral, and sit at a max depth of about 21m, making it suitable for newbies as well as experienced divers 🙂

Make sure Sabang Wrecks is on your Diving in Puerto Galera ‘to-do’ list!

Dive Sites in Puerto Galera – Hole in The Wall Video

Our resort manager and dive instructor Terry O’Dowd took this short video of him and his student Momo doing the swim-through at the Hole in The Wall dive site in Puerto Galera.

The Hole in The Wall is truly a world-class dive site, and a favourite amongst divers here. Located at Escarcio Point, divers drop in to 9m of water above beautiful fields of coral, before descending through several drop offs to reach the hole at about 13m.

After doing the swim through (watch your tank valve!) you come out in a wide area where you can often see large fish such as Trevallies, Jacks and Sweetlips playing in the current when the tide is right.

Definitely one to put on your list if you are diving in Puerto Galera!